Students: Finding books and other library material

Finding books and other library material

Library Catalogue:

Find what physical material we have in the library use the – search by title, author or keyword to locate where the items are on the shelves.

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Explore and locate material online, using a powerful single search box which quickly returns results across the library’s electronic collections.

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Find recommended resources for your Faculty and Subject area in Libguides. Then start keyword searching and find relevant sources to read.

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Open Educational Resources – Free access to online scholarly resources, e-books, articles, courses collated by topic. Great for checking at the start of new topics.

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Dedicated Library Catalogue PCs are available in the library.

You can browse and borrow more than books! We have magazines, newspapers, journals, eBooks, databases, government documents, DVDs, theses, computers, wi-fi, photocopiers and printers. The list is endless.