Welcome to TUS Library: Midlands’ Open Educational Resources Homepage.

This page provides access to a selection of OER resources, including our TUS Open Press, TUS Library OER index and our OER Library Guide. 

Contact Maura Flynn, OER Librarian for more information maura.flynn@tus.ie

TUS Open Press

The TUS Open Press enables digital publishing of textbooks and other learning resources, using the Pressbooks platform. 

Access our Open Educational Resources for Teaching and Learning at TUS Pressbook to learn more about OER and the functionality of the Pressbooks platform. Contact maura.flynn@tus.ie to learn more about Pressbooks and how TUS staff and students can use this technology.

Open Educational Resources for Teaching and Learning at TUS - collection of OER which aims to support educators to explore AI, Immersive Technology, Team-Based Learning, UDL etc. which are relevant to their teaching.

OER Index

Our OER index provides a selection of recent, high quality OER of varying content types (including articles, podcasts, presentations and textbooks), which are potentially relevant to TUS staff and students.   

OER Library Guide

Use our OER Library Guide to learn more about open licensing, sourcing, creating and adapting OER.